Information about the Nursing program and the application process can be found here. Admission to the Nursing program is competitive.
CIP Code: 51.3801
NOVA Code: 1560
Purpose: The program is designed to prepare students to participate as contributing members of the healthcare team, rendering direct care to patients in a variety of healthcare facilities and agencies. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, students will be eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®) leading to state licensure as a registered nurse (RN) and are qualified to assume registered nurse positions in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, physicians’ offices, HMOs, and other community-based settings.
NOVA has adopted the VCCS Common Nursing Curriculum which was fully approved by VBON and ACEN in Spring of 2017. The nursing program is a 5-semester program: first semester students take the pre-requisite course work to prepare the student for applying to the program and for the study of the nursing courses. Then there are 4 semesters of nursing course work (LEVELS 1-4).
Information about the nursing program and the application process can be found online. Admission to the Nursing program is competitive.
Transfer Information: Transfer is not the primary purpose of an A.A.S. program; however, NOVA has articulation agreements that facilitate the transfer of this and other career-oriented programs to selected senior institutions. Students interested in transfer should contact a counselor or their academic advisor early in their program.
Admission Requirements
Special Notation for Admission: The state of Virginia may prohibit anyone from sitting for the Nursing Licensing Examination who has been convicted of a felony or of crimes(s) involving theft, drug offenses or physical harm to another, or misdemeanors as designated by VBON, therefore NOVA will not consider persons convicted of the above offenses for admission to the NOVA Nursing program.
Special Program Requirements: Once enrolled in the Nursing program all students must maintain a grade of “C” (80% or higher) in all nursing courses to continue in the program. This includes lecture, nursing lab and clinical components. In addition, students must achieve a “C” or higher in all general education courses.
Accreditation & Approval Status: The NOVA Nursing Curriculum is fully approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing (VBON) Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Henrico, Virginia 23233 and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia, 30326. Telephone 404-975-5020. View NCLEX-RN pass rates for the last five years go to online.
Licensure Requirements: The Virginia Board of Nursing reserves the right to deny licensure to any candidate who has been found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony.
LPN to RN Transition: The NUR 115 LPN Transition and NUR 116 Selected Nursing Concepts: Skills courses will no longer be offered.
Readmission: Students who leave the Nursing program and wish to be re-admitted must meet the current Catalog’s requirements for admission. Any developmental studies that were prescribed at the time the student left the program must have been satisfactorily completed. Students wishing to be readmitted to NOVA’s nursing program will be required to seek approval of the Dean or their designee. Readmission is competitive and based on space availability.
Transfer from Other Institutions: Nursing credits earned at other institutions are reviewed by the Dean or their designee to determine if the courses in question apply to the curriculum and/or if substitutions may be made within the curriculum. Students who transfer to NOVA with prior nursing courses may be required to demonstrate skills competencies.
Nursing Program (Common Curriculum Program)
Classes are taken on campus and via a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (anytime) online activities including in-person nursing laboratory and clinical practice. Nursing courses must be taken in the order outlined below.