Information Technology and Database Design |
• ITD 245 - Advanced Applied Data Science Techniques (3 CR.)
• ITD 256 - Advanced Database Management (3 CR.)
• ITD 260 - Data Modeling and Design (3 CR.)
Information Technology Essentials |
• ITE 100 - Introduction to Information Systems (3 CR.)
• ITE 140 - Spreadsheeting for Business (3 CR.)
• ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications (3 CR.)
• ITE 170 - Multimedia Software (3 CR.)
• ITE 180 - Help Desk Support Skills (3 CR.)
• ITE 182 - User Support/Help Desk Principles (3 CR.)
• ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture (3 CR.)
• ITE 270 - Advanced Multimedia Development (3 CR.)
• SDV 101 - Orientation to Information Technology (1 CR.)
Information Technology Networking |
• ITN — - Elective (3 CR.)
• ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications (3 CR.)
• ITN 101 - Introduction to Network Concepts (3 CR.)
• ITN 106 - Microcomputer Operating Systems (3 CR.)
• ITN 107 - Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting (3 CR.)
• ITN 120 - Wireless: Network Administration (W-NA) (3 CR.)
• ITN 154 - Introduction to Networks - Cisco (4 CR.)
• ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco (4 CR.)
• ITN 156 - Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation - Cisco (4 CR.)
• ITN 157 - WAN Technologies: Cisco (4 CR.)
• ITN 170 - Linux System Administration (3 CR.)
• ITN 171 - UNIX I (3 CR.)
• ITN 200 - Administration of Network Resources (3 CR.)
• ITN 213 - Information Storage and Management (3 CR.)
• ITN 245 - Network Troubleshooting (3 CR.)
• ITN 254 - Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration (4 CR.)
• ITN 255 - Virtual Infrastructure: Deployment, Security, and Analysis (4 CR.)
• ITN 257 - Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services (3 CR.)
• ITN 260 - Network Security Basics (3 CR.)
• ITN 261 - Network Attacks, Computer Crime, and Hacking (4 CR.)
• ITN 262 - Network Communication, Security, and Authentication (4 CR.)
• ITN 263 - Internet/Intranet Firewalls and E-Commerce Security (4 CR.)
• ITN 264 - Introduction to Malware Analysis (3 CR.)
• ITN 266 - Network Security Layers (3 CR.)
• ITN 267 - Legal Topics in Network Security (3 CR.)
• ITN 270 - Advanced Linux Network Administration (3 CR.)
• ITN 276 - Computer Forensics I (3 CR.)
• ITN 277 - Computer Forensics II (3 CR.)
• ITN 295 - Cyber Operations and Analysis (4 CR.)
• ITN 295 - Introduction to Payments Cybersecurity (3 CR.)
Information Technology Programming |
• — — - Programming Elective (4 CR.)
• ITP — - Elective (3 CR.)
• ITP — - Elective (4 CR.)
• ITP — - Programming Elective (4 CR.)
• ITP 100 - Software Design (3 CR.)
• ITP 120 - Java Programming I (4 CR.)
• ITP 132 - C++ Programming I (4 CR.)
• ITP 137 - Programming IOS Devices (4 CR.)
• ITP 140 - Client Side Scripting (4 CR.)
• ITP 150 - Python Programming (4 CR.)
• ITP 160 - Introduction to Game Design and Development (4 CR.)
• ITP 165 - Gaming and Simulation (4 CR.)
• ITP 170 - Project Management (3 CR.)
• ITP 195 - Introduction to Secure Software Design (4 CR.)
• ITP 220 - Java Programming (4 CR.)
• ITP 225 - Web Scripting Languages (4 CR.)
• ITP 226 - Mobile Java Development (4 CR.)
• ITP 227 - Advanced Android Application Development (4 CR.)
• ITP 232 - C++ Programming II ( 4 CR.)
• ITP 246 - Java: Server-Side Programming (4 CR.)
• ITP 250 - Advanced Python Programming (4 CR.)
• ITP 251 - Systems Analysis and Design (3 CR.)
• ITP 265 - Concepts of Simulation (4 CR.)
• ITP 270 - Programming for Cybersecurity (4 CR.)
Instrumentation |
• INS 230 - Instrumentation I (3 CR.)
• INS 233 - Process Control Integration (4 CR.)
Interior Design |
• IDS — - Elective (3 CR.)
• IDS 100 - Theory and Techniques of Interior Design (3 CR.)
• IDS 105 - Architectural Drafting for Interior Design (3 CR.)
• IDS 106 - Three-Dimensional Drawing and Rendering (3 CR.)
• IDS 109 - Styles of Furniture and Interiors (3 CR.)
• IDS 130 - Introduction to Kitchen and Bath Design Systems (3 CR.)
• IDS 205 - Materials and Sources (3 CR.)
• IDS 206 - Lighting and Furnishings (3 CR.)
• IDS 215 - Theory and Research in Commercial Design (3 CR.)
• IDS 221 - Designing Commercial Interiors I (4 CR.)
• IDS 225 - Business Procedures (3 CR.)
• IDS 235 - Antiques (3 CR.)
• IDS 245 - Computer Aided Drafting for Interior Designers (3 CR.)
• IDS 246 - Advanced CADD for Interior Designers (3 CR.)
• IDS 250 - Green Design for Interior Designers (3 CR.)
• IDS 285 - Portfolio and Resume Preparation for Interior Designers (3 CR.)
• IDS 290 - Coordinated Internship (3 CR.)
Interpreter Education Additional sign language courses are listed under American Sign Language (ASL).
• INT 105 - Interpreting Foundations I (3 CR.)
• INT 106 - Interpreting Foundations II (3 CR.)
• INT 107 - Translation Skills (3 CR.)
• INT 130 - Interpreting: Introduction to Profession (3 CR.)
• INT 133 - ASL-to-English Interpretation I (3 CR.)
• INT 134 - English-to-ASL Interpretation I (3 CR.)
• INT 141 - Transliterating I (3 CR.)
• INT 142 - Discourse Analysis (3 CR.)
• INT 233 - ASL-to-English Interpretation II (3 CR.)
• INT 234 - English-to-ASL Interpretation II (3 CR.)
• INT 237 - Interpreting ASL in Safe Settings (2 CR.)
• INT 250 - Dialogic Interpretation I (3 CR.)
Japanese |
• JPN 101 - Beginning Japanese I (4 CR.)
• JPN 102 - Beginning Japanese II (4 CR.)
• JPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese I (4 CR.)
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