Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 NOVA Catalog 
2022-2023 NOVA Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CPL: Section 9-Credit Earned from Military Training and Courses

Credits Earned from Military Training

General Information

NOVA recognizes that a student’s military training, courses and occupational specialty may all be considered for college credit. Military affiliated students whether they are current or former Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy personnel can submit their Joint Services Transcript (JST) for evaluation of credit.

The Office of Military and Veteran Services recognizes the JST and credits may be granted for military training and skills 1) that are applicable to the student’s degree program as recommended, 2) if the recommendation to grant academic credit is for a course or courses that are taught at NOVA, and 3) if awarding of academic credit is recommended by following entities:

Note: Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) is accredited, so credit may be transferred directly for courses shown on the CCAF transcript.

Military Transcript Evaluation

To receive credit for military training, a student must submit a military transcript and a military evaluation request form (NOVA Form125-349E) for evaluation. Each branch of service has its own transcript request procedure. Once the transcript and evaluation request forms are received, credits that are applicable to the student’s chosen program will be posted. After credits are posted, students will receive an email via their NOVA account to confirm the transaction. Also, please note that students seeking to apply evaluated military credits to courses at the Medical Education Campus (MEC) should contact a MEC counselor for more information about the applicability of those credits.

To begin the military transcript evaluation process the student must do the following:

  • Apply to NOVA and submit a military evaluation request form (NOVA Form 125-349E)
  • Request an official military transcript for ARMY/NAVY/MARINES/COAST GUARD: request an official Joint Services Transcript at https://jst.doded.mil.
  • Transcripts will automatically be sent electronically to NOVA’s Office of Military Services. Please note that military credit from the Air Force is evaluated by the Central Records Office. Please request Community College of the Air Force Transcripts at https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF.
  • Allow 4-6 weeks for the transcript evaluation process to be completed.
Military Course Equivalencies

Military training and skills should be equivalent to NOVA courses. If a service member has questions regarding training-related credits versus their degree requirement applicability, he or she should contact the program division for more information about possible course substitutions. Military training credit in career-technical areas that is 10 or more years old and is to be applied toward graduation in the career technical area, must be approved by the appropriate academic dean. In cases of conflict, course requirements as stated in the NOVA College Catalog supersede any other requirements.

Credits 2 Careers (C2C) Veterans Portal

C2C is a personalized virtual counseling tool that will provide military-connected users to instantly get an estimate of potential credits from your Military education, experience, and training. The estimate serves as a recommendation of the possible courses one can earn credit for.  NOVA military transcript evaluators will perform a separate evaluation after all the required documents are provided to determine your actual course credit.  Access the Credits2Careers Veterans portal at: https://www.credits2careers.org.

Military Basic Training

Students who have completed basic training may receive credit for PED 116 (and a PED elective if it is required by the student’s program) and only if the course is listed in the student’s military transcript or DD214.  Students may request a military transcript from https://jst.doded.mil.  If a service member finds that their records need to be corrected, it is the responsibility of the service member to contact the JST regarding corrections to their service records. Individuals can make updates and corrections to their service records or JST transcripts at https://jst.doded.mil/correction.html.

Joint Cyber Analysis Course (JCAC) in Information Technology

Credit may be given for the six-month Joint Cyber Analysis course taken by service members in multiple branches of the military. Due to the nature of this field, training must have been completed within the past five years. A partial list of IT-specific credits for military personnel who have completed the required courses appears below. For a more detailed list please contact NOVA’s Office of Military Services.

NOVA Courses
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 171 - UNIX I   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 261 - Network Attacks, Computer Crime, and Hacking   4
ITN 262 - Network Communication, Security, and Authentication   4
ITP 100 - Software Design   3
Total Credits 27
Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) in Information Technology

Credit may be given for several Marine Corps MOS in the Information Technology field.

MOS 0612 - Telephone Systems Installers Maintainers
ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   3
ITE 182 User Support/Help Desk Principles   3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
Total Credits 21


MOS 0619 - Telecommunications Systems Chief
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
Total Credits 3


MOS 0621 - Field Radio Operator
ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   3
ITE 182 User Support/Help Desk Principles   3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
Total Credits 21


MOS 0621 Transmissions System Operator
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
Total Credits 12


MOS 062X Transmissions Supervisor
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
Total Credits 12


MOS 0627 Satellite Transmissions System Operators
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
Total Credits 15


MOS 0629 - Radio Chief
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
Total Credits 6


MOS 0629 Transmissions Chief
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITP 170 Project Management   3
Total Credits 12


MOS O631 Network Administrator
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco   4
ITN 156 Basic Switching and Routing: Cisco   4
ITN 263 Internet/Intranet Firewalls and E-Commerce Security    4
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting  or ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
Total Credits 31


MOS 0631 Network Supervisor
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 257 Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services   3
Total Credits 15


MOS 0639 Network Chief
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 266 Network Security Layers   3
ITN 263 Internet/Intranet Firewalls and E-Commerce Security  ​  4
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 261 - Network Attacks, Computer Crime, and Hacking   4
ITN 262 - Network Communication, Security, and Authentication   4
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
Total Credits 33


MOS 0651 - Cyber Network Specialist
ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   3
ITE 182 User Support/Help Desk Principles   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
Total Credits 15


MOS 0651 - NCO Cyber Network Supervisor
ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems   3
ITE 115 Intro. to Computer Applications and Concepts 3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
Total Credits 18


MOS 0651 - Cyber System Chief
ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   3
ITE 182 User Support/Help Desk Principles   3
Total Credits 6


MOS 0671 Data Systems Supervisor
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 170 Linux System Administration   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
Total Credits 15


MOS 0671 Data Systems Administrator
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 254 Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration   4
ITN 213 Information Storage and Management   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
Total Credits 27


MOS 0679- Data Systems Chief Course
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture  or ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 257 Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services ​  3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 213 Information Storage and Management ​  3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 254 Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration ​  4
Total Credits 28


MOS 0689 - Cyber Security Chief
ITN 276 Computer Forensics I   3
ITN 277 Computer Forensics II   3
Total Credits 6


MOS 0699 - Communication Chief
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications   3
Total Credits 26


MOS 2651 - Special Intelligence System Administrator/Communicator
ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems   3
ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   3
ITE 182 User Support/Help Desk Principles   3
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 262 - Network Communication, Security, and Authentication   4
ITN 266 Network Security Layers ​  3
Total Credits 34


MOS 2821 - Technical Controller
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 245 Network Troubleshooting   3
Total Credits 9


MOS 2847 - Telephone Systems/ Personal Computer Repair
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
Total Credits 15


MOS 0681 - Information Security Tech
ITP 170 Project Management ​  3
ITP 251 Systems Analysis and Design   3
Total Credits 6


 M09AN31 - Cisco Certified Network Associate
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 156 Basic Switching and Routing: Cisco ​  4
ITN 157 WAN Technologies: Cisco   4
Total Credits 16


Credits may be given for several Navy NER in the Information Technology field.

NEC 2780 - Network Security Vulnerability Technician
ITN 171 - UNIX I   3
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 245 Network Troubleshooting   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 263 Internet/Intranet Firewalls and E-Commerce Security  ​  4
Total Credits 16


NEC 2781 - Advanced Network Analyst
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
ITN 262 - Network Communication, Security, and Authentication   4
Total Credits 23


NEC - 2790 - Information Systems Technician
ITE 221 - Personal Computer Hardware and OS Architecture   3
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 107 Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting   3
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
Total Credits 16


NEC - 2791 - Information Systems Administrator
ITN 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems   3
ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
ITN 171 - UNIX I   4
ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   3
Total Credits 14


MOS Certification Course(s)
Course Name
Target MOS Audience
NOVA Course
Security Plus Certification All MOSs ITN 260 - Network Security Basics   3
Network Plus Certification All MOSs ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   3
Cisco Certified Network Associate Module 1 All MOSs ITN 154 Networking Fundamentals: Cisco ​  4
Cisco Certified Network Associate Module 2 All MOSs ITN 155 - Switching, Wireless, And Wireless Essentials - Cisco   4
Cisco Certified Network Associate Module 3 All MOSs ITN 156 Basic Switching and Routing: Cisco ​  4
Cisco Certified Network Associate Module 4 All MOSs ITN 157 WAN Technologies: Cisco   4
Basic Communications Course Prerequisite - MOS: 0619, 0629, 0639, 0659, 0679 ITN 100 - Introduction to Telecommunications   and ITE 152 - Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications  and ITE 180 Help Desk Support Skills   9
Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 SERVICES _0671-79 Corporals and Sergeants holding the MOS of 0651 and SNCO’s holding the MOS of 0659     ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   and ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   6
Administering Advanced Windows Server 2012 SERVICES _0671-79 Corporals and Sergeants holding the MOS of 0651 and SNCO’s holding the MOS of 0659     ITN 200 Administration of Network Resources   and ITN 101 Introduction to Network Concepts   9

Last reviewed 1/2022